How to Give
Modesto Christian Reformed Church thanks you for your support. Through your contributions, we're able to share the message of Christ to our congregation and the larger community.
Sunday offering
Aside from donating during the regular offering, you may place your giving in the offering box located at the back of the sanctuary anytime before or after the service.

mail Checks
You can mail your check donations directly to church to the attention of the deacons. Please make your check payable to Modesto CRC. It is important to write the designated ministry in the notes section.
Vanco App
Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App in the App Store or in Google Play on your phone. Enter "Modesto" to search for our church.

If you wish to give online but are unable / do not wish to use the Vanco app, you can click here to use the eServicePayments site to give directly from your internet browser.